-AP Discoms have met 200.808 MU of Power Demand on 04-05-2022.
-The total demand met on the same day in 2021 is 202.855 MU registering a growth of -1.0 % year on year.
-Peak Demand during the day 9711 MW at 11:47 Hrs.
-The peak demand met on the same day in 2021 is 10200 MW registering a growth of -4.79 % year on year.
-Average Demand during the day : 8374 MW
-Load Relief Particulars during the day
-Domestic – 0.00 MU
-Agriculture- 0.00 MU
Vijayawada, Neti Patrika Prajavartha :
S.No Source of Power Demand Met (in MU)
1 AP_Genco_Thermal 71.83
2 AP_Genco_Hydel 6.21
3 CGS 37.45
4 IPPs (SEIL, HNPCL & Gas) 9.148
5 Wind 14.60
6 Solar 21.25
7 Market Purchases 40.32
Total Demand Met 200.808
Breakup of Short Term Power Purchases
S.No Purchase_Source MU Weighted avg rate Total Cost incurred (in Cr)
1 STOA 7.16 11.3 8.09
2 Term Ahead Market 20.30 16.824 34.15
3 DAM 2.724 11.881 3.236
4 RTM 10.135 11.122 11.272
Total 40.32 14.075 56.75
Status of coal supplies to thermal stations on : 04-05-2022
Station Opening Balance (MTs) Receipts (MTs) Consumption (MTs) Balance (MTs) Average coal required/day for full Generation (MTs) Coal Stock available in days
VTPS 28211 23902 28336 23777 28500 0.83
RTPP 40474 20180 16600 44054 21000 2.10
K.’PTNM 118366 9144 13051 114459 19000 6.02
Hinduja 27417 13258 0 40675 9600 4.24
Power Supply Situation across the nation
(to include those states with maximum LR from NLDC report)
State Max Demand Met during the day Shortage During Maximum Demand Energy Met Energy Shortage
Andhra Pradesh 9711 0 200.808 00.00
MP 11911 0 265.8 14.16
Haryana 8949 25 175.6 6.72
MP 14251 0 279.3 4.38
UP 21418 660 432.7 2.00